Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Wednesday said workers employed under the government's flagship rural jobs scheme, Mahatma Gandhi NREGA, would get higher wages to offset inflation. "We have decided to hike the wages as per the rise in consumer price index. This will raise the wages by 17 to 30 percent," Manmohan Singh said at a function to mark the fifth anniversary of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA). The gathering...
NREGA completes 5 yrs, fight still on
ive years after it came into being, hundreds of NGOs and activists would come together to recount the success and failure of MGNREGA at Udyog Maidan near Statue Circle on Wednesday. The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act had come into effect on February 2, 2006. According to Nikhil Dey of the Suchna Evum Rozgar Ka Adhikar Abhiyan, “These five years have seen not just many people getting employment...
More »Activist Sandeep Pandey returns NREGS award in protest
Magsaysay award winner and activist Sandeep Pandey has decided to return the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) achievement award along with the cash award of Rs. 44,000 that was presented to him in February 2009. In a letter to Rural Development Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh, he said that he is returning the award as no action has been taken yet in a 2009 incident in which dalit workers were beaten...
More »Mahatma Gandhi NREGA Sammelan -2011 gets underway tomorrow
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) completes five years since its launch tomorrow. In order to commemorate the completion of the fifth year of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, the Ministry Of Rural Development is organizing Mahatma Gandhi NREGA Sammelan on Wednesday, the 2nd February ,2011 . Five years ago on the same day, the scheme was launched from Anantapur district in Andhra Pradesh with the objective...
More »Criteria for the Selection for the award of Best Gram Panchayats based on their contribution in implementing the MG NREGA
Twelve Gram Panchayats from seven states have been selected for the Award under the Scheme of Awards for Best Performing Gram Panchayats for the year 2009-10. These are Khairwahi (Dondi Block) and Machandur (Durg Block) from Durg District of Chhattisgarh; Kalauna (Dadwali Block) from Sirsa Disstrict of Haryana; Nedumkandam (Nedumkandam Block) from Idduki and Kottukal (Athiyannoor Block) from Thiruvanthapuram districts of Kerala; Pandurna (Mukhed Block) from Nanded district of Maharashtra;...
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