-Outlook Onion prices, which have again gone up to Rs 70 per kg in Retail markets, are expected to soften by early next month with supplies from Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka improving, Food Minister K V Thomas said today. He also said the Centre has asked producing states like Maharashtra to crack down on hoarders of onion, a politically sensitive commodity. Normally, onion prices rise during the lean period of June-August. But prices...
Onion price rise may be due to hoarding: Centre -Dipak Kumar Dash
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Onion prices have again hit the roof in Mumbai, Delhi and other major cities after stabilizing briefly in August, leading the Centre to suggest that traders and speculators might be "artificially" increasing onion prices and has asked whether a seasonal shortage in supplies is being exploited. "Governments of Delhi and Chandigarh were addressed to look into the possibility of traders and speculators creating an artificial...
More »WPI, CPI divergence seen in food inflation-Partha Sinha
-The Times of India Mumbai/DELHI: Has the government's statistical office erred with data collection relating to food prices, either by chance or design, for calculating the two inflation indices, Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Wholesale Price Index (WPI) for August? Else how can someone explain the fact that while food prices as shown in WPI for August exhibit a higher rate of inflation now than a year ago, food inflation as measured...
More »Onion prices soar to Rs 5,300 a quintal in Lasalgaon-Tushar Pawar
-The Times of India NASHIK: The average wholesale price of onions at the country's largest market at the Lasalgaon Agriculture Produce Market Committee (APMC) in Nashik touched a new all-time high of Rs 5,300 a quintal on Monday. This pushed the Retail rate to Rs 70 a kg against Rs 55 last week. The prices have skyrocketed, breaking the previous record of Rs 4,800 a quintal last Friday, largely due to the...
More »One more populist initiative: drinking water at Rs.10 a litre
-PTI Will be sold to passengers using State Express Transport Corporation buses Kicking off its latest populist initiative, the government on Sunday began selling packaged drinking water to long-distance bus commuters at a price of Rs. 10 for a litre. Branded as ‘Amma' drinking water after Chief Minister Jayalalithaa, the product will be sold to passengers using State Express Transport Corporation buses, and also Retailed at bus terminuses across the state. Facility inaugurated Ms. Jayalalithaa...
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