Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee may claim that peace prevails everywhere in West Bengal since her party came to power in the state, but police records say a different story altogether. The state, according to the police records, has witnessed 642 political clashes, including those of student politics, across the districts in the first five months and eighteen days after Banerjee assumed power. A total of 926 political workers that include 128 students...
No Walmart, Please by Rajindar Sachar
If the combined Opposition had sat down for weeks so as to find an issue to embarrass the UPA Government and make it a laughing stock before the whole country, they could not have thought of a better issue than the free gift presented to it by the UPA Government by initially insisting that it had irrevocably decided to allow the entry of multi-brand retail leader superstores like Walmart, USA...
More »Corruption a crime: Sonia
-The Telegraph Sonia Gandhi decried corruption in the rural jobs scheme as a “crime against the poor”, the words coming on a day the Supreme Court cancelled over 100 graft-tainted 2G licences. “We cannot ignore cases of corruption in this scheme. Corruption in MGNREGA is a crime against the poor people,” the Congress chief said at a programme organised here to celebrate the sixth anniversary of the scheme. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh...
More »Make MNREGA a success, empower grassroot organisations say Manmohan Singh, Sonia Gandhi
-IANS Payment under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA) should be given within 15 days, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said on Thursday as Congress chief Sonia Gandhi stressed that the key to the scheme's success was empowering grassroots level organisations. "In the last six years, we have seen several achievements in the implementation of MNREGA but there are several challenges before us. The biggest worry is that workers get...
More »Goa, Kerala best states in which to be born in India by Kounteya Sinha
Goa and Kerala seem to be the best place to be born in India, while Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Odisha are the worst. According to the latest Union health ministry data, Goa recorded the lowest infant mortality rate - 10 infant deaths per 1,000 live births, followed by Kerala at 13. MP recorded the highest IMR at 62, followed by UP (61) and Odisha (61). MP, which has the highest IMR,...
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