-The Hindu In separate incidents, two people were killed by tigers in Kumram Bheem Asifabad district of Telangana in a span of just 20 days in November last year. While the tiger population has increased, habitats have diminished leading to more man-animal conflicts, reports Swathi Vadlamudi Pedda Vagu, the sinuous stream which originates in the Kerameri Hills of the Kumram Bheem Asifabad district in north Telangana, was a silent spectator of a...
More fatalities likely among poor victims of road crashes: World Bank report -Jagriti Chandra
-The Hindu Study highlights the socio-economic impact of accidents There are more fatalities from road crashes among poor families rather than the rich shows a new World Bank study that highlights the socio-economic impact of road accidents — from access to post-accident medical care to coping with the financial distress caused by a mishap. In the study, low income households reported twice the numbers of deaths post-crash vis-à-vis high income households. The risk...
More »Chamoli glacier burst: Himalayan blunders compounded -Sunita Narain
-Down to Earth The issue is about carrying capacity of the fragile region, which is even more at risk because of climate change The flash flood in high Himalayas, which has claimed lives and wiped out two hydroelectric plants on the Ganga, should be a grim reminder of the mistakes we continue to make. There is no rocket science here about why this devastation happened. The Himalayas are the world’s youngest mountain...
More »Glacier breaks in Chamoli, experts blame low snowfall -Ishan Kukreti
-Down to Earth Use of concrete instead of traditional wood and masonry in the Himalayas is creating a heat-island effect, warming the range, they added A major disaster struck the Himalayan state of Uttrakhand February 7, 2021. A glacier broke after an avalanche in the Joshimath area of the state’s Chamoli district. There are reports of missing people and damage to property. The Chamoli police said the Rishiganga Power Project had been damaged...
More »One nation one ombudsman: RBI to integrate consumer grievance redressal scheme
-PTI/ The Hindu The RBI is targeting to roll out the e-Integrated Ombudsman Scheme in June 2021 The Reserve Bank on Friday announced it will be integrating consumer grievances redressal under a single ombudsman as against three schemes working at present. There are dedicated ombudsman schemes devoted to consumer grievance redressal in Banking, non-Bank finance companies and digital transactions, respectively, at present. “To make the alternate dispute redress mechanism simpler and more responsive to...
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