The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, UPA’s flagship aam admi scheme, turns five on Wednesday. However, more than 30% of the rural India working under the right-to-work act would continue to receive wages below the guaranteed minimum as per the minimum wages act. On January 14, the ministry of rural development issued a notification revising the wage rates under the MNREGA from Rs 100 per day to between...
Budgetary support to Plan spend hiked 18% by Neeraj Thakur
The ministry of finance and the Planing Commission have finally agreed on increasing gross budgetary support by 18% for the terminal year of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan (2007-2012). GBS is the monetary assistance provided by the Centre to implement schemes in five-year plans. The ministry of finance will allocate around Rs4.41 lakh crore as part of the planned expenditure in the Budget for the next fiscal, compared with an allocation of Rs3.73...
More »NREGA: Rajasthan slips in spending
From being one of the top spenders in the country for the implementation of the MG NREGA two years ago, Rajasthan is fast sliding down the ladder. The state, this year, will be returning over half of the Rs 8,000 crore it had received from the Centre for its implementation. The revelation came at a job fair organised by the Suchna Evum Rozgar ka Adhikar Abhiyan and several other NGOs from...
More »Urgent steps needed to curb rising food and other commodity prices, UN warns
Senior United Nations officials today called for urgent steps to rein in the rising prices for basic farm produce, petroleum and raw industrial materials whose volatility hits the world’s poorest people the hardest. “Such volatility has huge negative impacts on vulnerable groups, such as low-income households in developing countries, for whom food expenditure can account for up to 80 per cent of household budgets,” UN Conference on Trade and Development...
More »In repeat of FY11, plan panel seeks 18% hike in budgetary support, FM offers 12%
The finance ministry has offered only a 12% increase in the budgetary support to the central plan for the coming fiscal against the Planning Commission's demand for an 18% hike. The plan panel sought higher support, citing increased requirement for the flagship schemes, particularly MGNREGA, or Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act . The North Block, constrained by its compulsion to return to fiscal consolidation and additional expenditure due...
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