-The Hindu Title holding in-laws refuse to share benefits like Rythu Bandhu Hyderabad: Lakshmi is a woman farmer with a small holding in Gadsingapur village of Pargi mandal in Vikarabad district. She is left with two Children, both girls, after her husband committed suicide a few years ago unable to bear the burden of mounting debts. She grew paddy and groundnut in her one acre land for some time, but later has been...
Delhi's Anganwadi Centres Need a Complete Overhaul and Renewed Funding -Abinash Dash Choudhury and Sweta Dash
-TheWire.in With one of the highest undernutrition rates of Children in urban areas, Delhi needs to tackle the issue of severely stunted Children in the city who don't have access to proper infrastructure and facilities at local anganwadi centres. New Delhi: It is an early summer morning in North Delhi’s Kabir Basti. A dingy and crowded lane of the settlement, with puddles from water leakages in broken pipes, opens up to a...
More »Bihar, U.P. & West Bengal are worst affected by arsenic contamination in groundwater, says recent report
The Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation (MoWR, RD & GR) in its latest report has identified arsenic hotspots across the country, most notably in the states of Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. Please consult chart-3 to get an idea about the geographical spread of arsenic hotspots in India. On the basis of arsenic concentration in the range 0.01-0.05 mg per litre...
More »Farmers' Suicide Dictated Her Marriage, and Now Drives Her to Fight an Election -Kabir Agarwal
-TheWire.in Veerpal Kaur, who lost her father and then husband to the growing spate of farmer suicides in Punjab, says neither the SAD-BJP alliance nor the Congress is addressing the issue. Dharamvir Singh was being considered, one thing played in their favour – both the bride and groom had lost their fathers, both farmers, to suicide. Kaur’s father drank poison in 1995 and Singh’s hanged himself in 1990. “That was what clinched it....
More »Death by starvation haunts village in Jharkhand's Dumka -Abhishek Angad
-The Indian Express Home to some 400 Santhals, an indigenous tribe, Mahuadanr has a cemented road, but most of the house are made of mud, with few pucca houses. The village faces an “acute water shortage” in summers and locals barely eat nutritious food. Dumka: In Jharkhand’s Mahuadanr village, which falls under the Anansol Kuruwa panchayat in the Dumka Lok Sabha constituency, JMM party chief Shibu Soren — the sitting MP...
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