-The Hindu Although it has left some crucial questions unanswered, the Verma Committee report is a big step forward in the struggle for women’s rights The UPA government has perhaps got more than what it bargained for from the committee it set up, headed by the former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Justice J.S. Verma, in the wake of the public outrage following the horrific Delhi gang rape. The government had...
6 Indian NGOs accorded special consultative status with UN
-PTI Six Indian non-governmental organisations (NGOs) working for the uplift of women, Dalits and poor have been approved for consultative status with the United Nations. The approval came by the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations, which is a part of the UN's Economic and Social Council, during the annual ongoing session of the world body panel this week. NGOs enjoying general and special status can attend meetings of the Council and issue statements. Prominent among...
More »Tribal Affairs ministry, MoEF seek more time on diversion of forest land- Urmi A Goswami
-The Economic Times The move to ease diversion of forest land for industrial use by the Prime Minister's Office faces further delay as the ministries of tribal affairs and environment want more time for consultations. A panel headed by principal secretary to the prime minister, Pulok Chatterjee, had decided to dilute the requirement of taking consent from the affected tribal population before diverting forest land. The committee, which submitted its report...
More »Genetically Engineered “Terminator Seeds”. Death and Destruction of Agriculture-Colin Todhunter
-Global Research The widely held belief is that genetically modified ‘terminator seeds’ are not available on the commercial market anywhere. Since 2001, there has been a de facto worldwide moratorium on the use of terminator technology (UN Convention on Biological Diversity). By definition, such seeds are genetically engineered to make them sterile and unusable for replanting, resulting in farmers having to buy new seeds from a central supplier each year. Under Article...
More »Oxfam says world's rich could end poverty
-Al Jazeera UK-based charity says the world's 100 richest people earned enough in 2012 to end global poverty four times over. The world's 100 richest people earned enough money last year to end world extreme poverty four times over, according to a new report released by international rights group and charity Oxfam. The $240 billion net income of the world's 100 richest billionaires would have ended poverty four times over, according to the...
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