-PTI A professor of chemistry of the Jadavpur University was arrested on Friday along with his neighbour for allegedly posting a cartoon on a popular social networking site involving chief minister Mamata Banerjee, railway minister Mukul Roy and former railway minister Dinesh Trivedi. DCP (south suburban division) Sujay Chanda said that professor Ambikesh Mohapatra was arrested along with a neighbour residing in east Jadavpur for spreading derogatory messages against "respectable persons". They would...
Jadavpur University professor arrested for spreading 'anti-Mamata' cartoons
-CNN-IBN A Jadavpur University professor was arrested on Friday morning for allegedly spreading "anti-Mamata Banerjee" cartoons on the Internet. Ambikesh Mahapatra, a teacher with the Chemistry Department of the University, was picked up on Thursday night by the police for allegedly forwarding cartoons of the Bengal Chief Minister. The cartoon based on Satyajit Ray's movie Sonar Kella, allegedly show Mamata and railways Minister Mukul Roy discussing how to get rid of party...
More »Not funny: Jadavpur Univ prof arrested over anti-Mamata cartoons
-The Hindustan Times Police arrested Ambikesh Mahapatra, a professor of chemistry of Jadavpur University for sending e-mails that show chief minister Mamata Banerjee, former railway minister Dinesh Trivedi and railway minister Mukul Roy in a poor light. The cartoon in question has been doing the rounds in West Bengal after Mamata forced Trivedi out of the rail ministry and put Roy in his place. Apparently, the cartoon is a caricature of Satyajit Ray's...
More »Professor under arrest defamed 'respectable people': WB cops
-PTI A professor of chemistry at the Jadhavpur University was today arrested for allegedly spreading derogatory messages against "respectable people" through the internet. "Professor Ambikesh Mohapatra has been arrested for spreading derogatory messages against respectable persons," Deputy Commissioner of Kolkata Police (south suburban division) Sujoy Chanda said. He, however, refused to divulge the names of the 'respectable persons' who have been defamed in the e-mail. He was arrested and taken to the...
More »Posco verdict: Finally, environmental justice in India by Janaki Lenin
So what if it was the largest-ever FDI in India? The law finally caught up with it on 30 March 2012, when the National Green Tribunal suspended POSCO’s environmental clearance and ordered a fresh review. We can celebrate the outcome in this day and cynical age: It is still possible, though not easy, to get environmental justice in this country. Since June 2005, when the agreement between the Government of Orissa...
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