-The Times of India The Central Information Commission has asked the Prime Minister's Office to make public charges of corruption against former telecom minister A Raja along with views of various officials on them expressed in the form of file notings. A RTI applicant had sought to know why Raja was kept in the Cabinet despite serious allegations of corruption against him. The information was denied to him by the PMO saying...
Now, an endangered press by Sevanti Ninan
The murder of Mid-Day's J. Dey is only the tip of the iceberg. If violence against journalists continues unchecked, can a beleaguered press continue to report the way it should? If they are becoming fair game for everybody, it makes you wonder if the media as a sector really has clout. The lawlessness that is currently manifest in public life is turning out to have another dimension to it. The power...
More »Government draft on Lokpal Bill excludes PM by K Balchand
Talks fail; Hazare threatens fast from August 16 The Joint Drafting Committee on the Lokpal Bill ended its deliberations on Tuesday without a common text, and the government has decided to go ahead with its plan of consulting political parties and Chief Ministers on the two different versions before getting the Cabinet to clear a final draft. Expressing “deep disappointment” at what it said was the government's watered down version of a...
More »No consensus on Lokpal Bill, Anna to fast from Aug 16 by Himanshi Dhawan
Marked by distrust and, on the government's part an element of coercion as well, the civil society-UPA exercise to jointly draft a Lokpal bill formally ended in failure on Tuesday with the two sides exchanging conflicting drafts. The government is unable to accept civil society's version of an anti-corruption authority with sweeping jurisdiction over the Prime Minister's Office, top judiciary and actions of MPs in Parliament along with merging entities like...
More »CBI cites exemption, refuses info on graft
-The Times of India The CBI has refused to make public information about disproportionate asset cases against government servants, including bureaucrats and ministers, after last week's exemption under RTI Act given by the government. The Centre, through a notification issued on June 9, placed the agency in the organisations listed in the second schedule of Section 24 of the RTI Act which also comprises intelligence and security agencies. "The government...
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