-The Telegraph The CBI today began probing an Uttar Pradesh health scam running into thousands of crores that has led to the murders of two honest government doctors and the sacking of two ministers. The issue relates to the spending of Rs 10,000 crore allocated to the state under the National Rural Health Mission. CBI spokesperson Dharini Mishra said the agency had registered five preliminary inquiries on the orders of Allahabad High Court,...
Brand Bihar shines, migration figures drop by Sonal Joshi
A sudden spurt in employment opportunities in Bihar is posing a peculiar problem for the rest of the country. More than 50 per cent of Bihar's labour force which usually migrates to other states is choosing to stay back for jobs. Till a few years back, Ram Vilas worked as construction labour in Delhi. With Bihar's economy looking up, Vilas has returned to the pavilion, armed with a job in hand. "I...
More »Wanted: more jobs by TK Rajalakshmi
The annual report of the International Institute for Labour Studies projects a grim future for employment prospects. WITH the United States and much of Europe grappling with the slowdown in their economies and the resultant social unrest, the publication of the World of Work Report 2011: Making Markets Work for Jobs could not have come at a more opportune moment. Brought out by the International Institute for Labour Studies, which was...
More »Petrol down, Mamata up
-The Telegraph Oil companies today announced the first cut in petrol prices since deregulation in June last year, citing global changes but gifting Mamata Banerjee a political victory. The petrol price will go down in Calcutta by Rs 2.31 a litre to Rs 70.84. “We had gained Rs 1.85 per litre, excluding all taxes, since the last price revision because of a fall in global oil rates and a marginal appreciation in rupee...
More »State tests ground to tweak land clause by Sreecheta Das
The Mamata Banerjee government has begun to explore the possibility of modifying a land-ceiling clause to accommodate some concerns of industry. If the proposals are accepted, more industries will be exempt from the land-ceiling rule and transfer of land acquired for setting up industry would be allowed without diluting the new government’s hands-off policy. The land and land reforms department has sent a letter to four departments — commerce and industries, urban...
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