-The Hindu But State-wise data on testing and positivity rates shows that the picture is not uniform Weeks after registering a sudden bump in cases and leading the world in daily case load, the number of new COVID-19 cases in India has shown a consistent dip in the past week — from a seven-day rolling average of 3.92 lakh as on May 8 to 3.41 lakh on May 15. There was also...
'Not COVID': Stunned by Data, Gujarat Blames Death Certificate Spurt on Duplicate Registrations -Darshan Desai
-TheWire.in The state government says 4,218 people died of Covid in the period March 1-May 10, 2021. But it issued 1,23,871 death certificates in these 71 days – which was 65,781 more than it had for the same period in 2020. Most of these excess deaths are clearly Covid related. Ahmedabad: For the past three months, photos and reports of long queues at crematoriums and cemeteries in the national and the local...
More »Shahid Jameel quits as head of virus genome sequencing group -Jacob Koshy
-The Hindu The eminent virologist did not give any reasons for his departure Shahid Jameel, eminent virologist and head of the advisory group to the Indian SARS-COV-2 Genomics Consortia (Insacog), resigned from his post on Friday. Dr. Jameel confirmed to The Hindu that he'd quit but did not give any reasons for his departure. Multiple scientists who are part of Insacog — a group of 10 laboratories across the country, tasked with tracking evolving...
More »In Delhi, number of COVID funerals overshoot official death toll -Jatin Anand
-The Hindu Over 4,500 fatalities do not find mention in the Delhi government records. Over 4,500 people, who lost their lives in the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, have slipped through the cracks of Delhi government death records over the last 24 days. A dovetailing of funerals with government death toll statistics between April 18 and May 11 throws up a cumulative discrepancy of 4,783; the figures varied every day with the...
More »Harsh Mander: A lesson in how to end the mass suffering unleashed by India’s first lockdown -Harsh Mander
-Scroll.in A report by the collective Hunger Watch reveals the extent of continuing hunger caused by state policy, and recommends ways to end the distress. A spectacularly uncaring, unaccountable state has abandoned Indians to their fate. Bodies are piling up, pyres burn late into the night, and corpses are buried in anonymous mass graves. Loved ones are choking to death because their governments failed to secure them oxygen. Vaccines have fallen short...
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