In several hamlets in the caste sensitive pockets of south Tamil Nadu, the law of the land has ceased to exist. Here, it is the ‘kattapanchayat’ or kangaroo courts that rule. A few months ago, Nagaraj, a dalit from Vedasandur in Dindigul district, married a non-dalit girl, Sumathi. Fear of reprisal prompted them to flee the village. They returned a month later hoping that their parents would accept them. But...
‘Doctors in Naxal-hit areas subjected to unwritten rules' by Aarti Dhar
Their movement widely limited, says study A large number of doctors posted in the Naxal-infested areas of Chhattisgarh say that while they are generally permitted to stay and practise in and rarely face direct personal harm, they are subjected to harsh unwritten rules imposed by insurgent groups, typically referred to as “insiders” or meaning those dwelling in camps deep inside the forests, which cover large tracts of rural parts. A...
More »India Steadily Increases Its Lead in Road Fatalities by Heather Timmons and Hari Kumar
India lives in its villages, Gandhi said. But increasingly, the people of India are dying on its roads. India overtook China to top the world in road fatalities in 2006 and has continued to pull steadily ahead, despite a heavily agrarian population, fewer people than China and far fewer cars than many Western countries. While road deaths in many other big emerging markets have declined or stabilized in recent years,...
More »Indian papers deplore 'shameful' Bhopal sentences
The Indian press has expressed outrage at the sentences handed down to Union Carbide employees found guilty of negligence over the gas leak that killed thousands of people in Bhopal in 1984. One paper described the two-year sentences given to eight former Union Carbide executives as "absurdly light Punishment" and "a travesty of justice". Several accused successive Indian governments of kowtowing to US business interests in their failure to bring the...
More »A traffic accident in Bhopal by Karuna Nundy
The Bhopal judgment suggests that were a nuclear disaster to be caused by an operator's negligence, they might be held criminally liable for little more than a traffic accident. The world was watching a trial court in Bhopal on Monday, as the Chief Judicial Magistrate ruled on the criminal responsibility for the gas leak at the Union Carbide factory in 1984. Twenty six years after the event, 178 prosecution witnesses...
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