-The Telegraph Tamil Nadu chief minister Jayalalithaa today joined the chorus against the entry of foreign capital in multi-brand retail, saying the Centre’s decision that smacked of “overweening arrogance” would affect the livelihood of millions of small-time traders. In Delhi, the under-fire UPA brought out a full-page ad in newspapers that said the move would “generate 10 million new jobs” contrary to the “mistaken belief” that it would result in widespread Unemployment. The...
Why India needs democracy by Markandey Katju
What is our national aim? To my mind, our national aim must be to make India a highly prosperous country for its citizens, and for that it is necessary to have a high degree of industrialization. Even setting up and running a single primary school requires a lot of money, e.g. for buying land, erecting the school building and providing for the recurrent expenditure for salaries of teachers, staff, etc. We...
More »FDI in multi-brand retail will create 10 m jobs: Anand Sharma
-The Hindu This is a major step towards providing liberation to farmers, says Sharma Ridiculing claims that opening of foreign direct investment (FDI) in multi-brand retail will lead to displacement and Unemployment, Union Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma on Friday asserted that this bold move would lead to creation of 10 million jobs and billions of dollars in investments during the next three years. Brushing aside the criticism by the Opposition parties,...
More »Left wants govt to revoke FDI decision
-PTI Strongly protesting the decision to open up the retail sector to FDI, Left parties on Friday termed the move as “unprecedented” and said the government should have discussed it first in Parliament before taking the decision. “It is unprecedented. When Parliament is in session, a major decision was taken outside Parliament. It has never happened,” CPI(M) leader Sitaram Yechury told reporters outside Parliament House. “We will not discuss the FDI issue in...
More »BJP, Left oppose FDI in retail; UPA also divided
-CNN-IBN As the Cabinet meets to decide on allowing Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the multi-brand retail, it remains to be seen whether the Prime Minister will bite the bullet. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the Left, UPA ally Trinamool Congress along with some Cabinet ministers Veerappa Moily and Mukul Wasnik have opposed it. While the BJP feels that FDI will lead to Unemployment, the Left has said that it may lead...
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