-The Indian Express He claimed that around 12 crore farmers would benefit from the scheme and an amount of Rs 75,000 crore would be given under this scheme every year. Gorakhpur: DESCRIBING THE Congress, SP and BSP as “maha-milawati (highly adulterated)” and accusing them of “cheating farmers” for political gains, Prime Minister Narendra Modi Sunday launched the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojna (PM-KISAN) with the promise of including those WHO...
How NREGA helped in rebuilding Kerala, as well as provided livelihood to people -Shiba Kurian
-TheNewsMinute.com According to Divya Iyer, Mission Director, the beneficiaries under the scheme helped restore several public assets, all of which were rendered useless after the floods. The Kerala floods were a watershed moment for the state and its people in every sense, some for the good and some for the worse. While it claimed several lives and destroyed properties, it also left several people looking for livelihood options. And post the...
More »Civil society protests eviction of Scheduled Tribes and OTFDs from forests
-Press Release by All India Forum of Forest Movements (AIFFM), dated February 22, 2019 On 13 February, the Supreme Court of India, hearing a decade-old petition challenging the constitutional validity of the Forest Rights Act, 2006, ordered that forest dwellers WHOse claims for recognition of forest rights have been rejected would have to be evicted in a summary and time-bound manner. The order contains separate instructions for each state government to...
More »Without land or recourse -Kalpana Kannabiran
-The Hindu The Supreme Court order on the eviction of forest dwellers raises very disturbing questions The order of the Supreme Court issued on February 13 with respect to the claims of forest-dwelling peoples in India — the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers — is a case of the Supreme Court speaking against itself. In effect, the court has ordered the eviction of lakhs of people WHOse claims as forest...
More »Resources for Welfare Expenditure -Prabhat Patnaik
-Networkideas.org The basic income scheme that is in the air these days, which amounts to handing over a certain sum of money to every household to ensure that it reaches a threshold cash income, is an extremely flawed scheme. Instead of enjoining upon the state the obligation to provide essential goods and services like food, education, and health, to its citizens, it absolves the State of all such responsibility, once it...
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