-The Economic Times The Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), India's overseas intelligence agency, has told the Central Bureau of Investigation and the Enforcement Directorate that it has unearthed hawala transactions allegedly linked to former telecom minister A Raja. RAW has written to the investigative agencies - the communication was sent at the end of July - asking them to take "necessary action", a top government official told ET on condition of anonymity. The...
High Vegetables Prices May Push Retail Inflation
-PTI Poor monsoon continues to put pressure on prices of staple vegetables, including tomato and potato, and could further push up retail inflation which is hovering above the double-digit mark. Rates of key veggies are yet to show signs of coming down compared to mid-July due to supply constraint as a result of deficient rainfall across the country. According to IMD, the country has witnessed 19 per cent rain deficiency during the season...
More »Kudankulam nuclear reactor to be fuelled by mid-August: Officials
-IANS chennai: The Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd is hopeful of soon getting clearance from the sectoral regulator to fuel the first reactor at Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KNPP), a senior official said Sunday. "We had two detailed meetings with Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) Friday and Saturday. We hope to get a positive response from AERB in a week's time-by coming Saturday or Sunday," SA Bhardwaj, director (Technical) told IANS...
More »A for Anna, B for Baba, C for Camera-Bishwanath Ghosh
-The Hindu Rajesh Khanna may have immortalised a few lines that are easily recalled by everyone — “Pushpa, I hate tears” — but he will certainly not be remembered for his political speeches. Yet, one particular speech stands out in my memory. It was reported in the papers and it has stayed in my memory even though years have passed. In the speech, made in Calcutta during the 1989 general elections when...
More »Major power failure in north India, Delhi Metro services hit
-The Times of India There has been a major power failure in north India since late Sunday night affecting at least six states. The states affected include Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, UP, Himachal Pradesh and Rajasthan. "Yes there are problems with Northern Grid, we are trying to restore it", said SK Soonee, CEO of Power System Operating Co (PSOC). PSOC manages the Northern Power Grid. Officials sources said while the exact reasons for the grid...
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