-The Times of India RTI activist Poonam Solanki, 38, who is also convenor of the BJP human rights cell of Daskroi taluka, was brutally attacked by Popat Solanki, sarpach of Bakrol village and chairman of the local Sewa Sahkari co-operative on Friday. Solanki, who suffered multiple fractures and head injury, went into coma after the attack and was shifted to Ahmedabad Civil Hospital for treatment. Later, he gained consciousness. A police...
Dream-health test for govt by GS Mudur
The Planning Commission has received a sweeping set of recommendations that proposes free health care and medicines for diverse needs to all Indian citizens, irrespective of economic means. Whether or to what extent the proposals — described as “even bigger” than the UPA’s blockbuster job scheme — will be accepted will depend on the political and executive leadership. If the government throws its weight behind the initiative, it will effectively mean...
More »Callous and creepy hospitals
-The Telegraph An elderly woman who was brought to a Burdwan hospital today with abdominal pain died of heart attack following a three-hour delay in treatment during which she was allegedly refused admission in the emergency ward and her son forced to cart her across departments, buy a ticket to see a doctor and stand in a queue. After the death of Ulangini Das, who had been diagnosed with gall bladder stones...
More »Writing out a prescription for health care reforms by Poongothai Aladi Aruna
Health is a state of mental, social and physical well-being and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity. To achieve this noble objective, India requires health care professionals who are trained in institutions with standardised infrastructure, and the availability of accessible and equitable health care for both the rural and urban populace. Recently, the health sector has been in the news — from the creation of a rural based...
More »‘I am a votary of liberty; my criticism of the media is aimed at making them better' by Markandey Katju
‘There is no such thing as self-regulation, every institution is accountable to the people.' We publish here an edited excerpt from a clarification issued by Press Council chairman Markandey Katju. The full text of his clarification can be read at www.thehindu.com. ‘No doubt, the media should provide some entertainment also to the people. But if 90 per cent of their coverage is devoted to entertainment, and only 10 per cent...
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