The Assam Government on Thursday ordered an additional Chief Secretary-level probe into Wednesday's incidents in the city, where anti-eviction protesters went on the rampage and the police opened fire, resulting in the death of three persons. The government directed the administration to gather video footage of the incidents and initiate legal action against protesters who came armed with lathis and stones and indulged in violence, causing damage to public and private...
“Land acquisition shouldn't be through coercion”
-The Hindu Union Minister of State for Forest and Environment Jairam Ramesh on Tuesday said environmental clearance to a project should not be construed as a licence for forceful eviction of people. Asked about the resistance to land acquisition for the Posco steel project in Orissa, Mr. Ramesh said acquisition should not be coercive. He hoped the Orissa government would exhibit sensitivity in dealing with the agitators and resolve the issue...
More »Maoist court worry for govt by Nishit Dholabhai
A marked jump in the number of Maoist kangaroo courts this year points to an expansion in rebel “guerrilla zones” and “liberated zones” in central and eastern India, government sources have said. The Maoists initially form “guerrilla areas” by pushing in militia and introducing the local people to their writ. These develop into “guerrilla zones” in the second stage and into “liberated zones” in the third. The so-called liberated zones in Maad...
More »Acquisition made easy by Richard Mahapatra
New land acquisition bill won’t bring relief to tribals Debate over land acquisition for “public purposes” has turned into a chasing game for more compensation. There is political competition over which ruling party gives more money as compensation for land. It has become a “we v them” game. In between we have lost track of the key issues related to land acquisition. This long-standing debate never revolved around compensation alone. To begin...
More »Draft land law is ‘open-ended’ by Manish Anand
Amid no clear consensus emerging on the proposed Land Acquisition (Amendment) Bill, the government is likely to move an “open-ended” draft law in Parliament’s Monsoon Session, earmarking 40 to 45 per cent of the net sown area as “reserved agricultural zone” in which there can be no change in land use for at least 10 years. In a move to ensure that agricultural produce is not affected by toxic contamination, the...
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