In a horrific incident, a young IPS officer of the 2009 batch, Narendra Kumar, was brutally crushed to death under a stone-laden tractor trolley belonging to the illegal Mining mafia. The incident happened on Thursday in broad daylight in the presence of eyewitnesses and Kumar's team of policemen. Kumar (30) was posted as SDOP (sub-divisional police officer), Banmur, in the Chambal district of Morena, Madhya Pradesh, early this year. The ghastly...
Indian police officer dies during illegal Mining probe
-BBC A senior Indian police officer has been run over and killed by a vehicle carrying illegally quarried stones in northern Madhya Pradesh state, police said. Narendra Kumar Singh, 30, tried to stop a tractor carrying the stones, but the driver ran him over. The driver of the vehicle, Manoj Gurjar, has been arrested and charged with murder. Police suspect the involvement of a local Mining mafia in the incident. Senior police official DP Gupta...
More »Ban Mining in Western Ghats: Panel by Nitin Sethi
In what could dramatically alter economic activity in almost 45 districts across five states - Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu - and the entire state of Goa, a panel of the Union environment ministry has recommended that Mining and industrial growth be banned in more than 80 revenue blocks and strictly regulated in another 75-odd revenue blocks or talukas. It also recommended a large set of regulations on other aspects...
More »The Moving Earthquake by Panini Anand
After Haryana ban, illegal Mining shifts to Sikar’s hills Who’s The Quarry? More than 400 active leases in the Sikar belt 1,200 trucks move out of Rajasthan Aravallis daily In Dabla alone, 50 ha of land mined Area has five small rivers, three clogged with sludge. *** The ceiling of her house has some long cracks, the roof has become unstable, the floor in some parts has caved in. When Reshmi built her house in the Dabla...
More »Tribals, dalits take to streets against illegal Mining
-The Times of India Thousands of dalits and tribals took to streets in Sonbhadra on Sunday to protest against the illegal Mining taking place in the district. The immediate cause of the protest was the recent Mining accident which left over 10 labourers dead. The protesters organised a march and gheraoed the local police station. They also handed over a memorandum to the district administration. Addressed to the governor, the memorandum demanded...
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