-The Hindu The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has issued notices to the Haryana Chief Secretary, the Director of Education and the Fatehabad District Collector, asking them to submit reports within four weeks on media reports that a 13-year-old Rape victim and her two sisters were compulsorily given transfer certificates by a school in Khai village. The Commission was acting suo motu . The victim’s father was reportedly being pressurised by some...
Where women fear to tread -Mahim Pratap Singh
-The Hindu In the State that leads in incidents of Rape, the shame-inducing statistics are pushing the administration into action Time was when Payal (name changed to protect her identity), a standard VII student from Madhya Pradesh’s tribal dominated Betul district, had only school, friends and family on her mind. But her little world changed dramatically in March this year. The 15-year-old, a resident of Betul’s Majhinagar slum, was abducted in public by...
More »A state of criminal injustice -Praveen Swami
-The Hindu The conviction rate for every kind of crime is in free fall, engendering a breakdown of law that no republic can survive Even criminals, back in 1953, seemed to be soaking in the warm, hope-filled glow that suffused the newly free India. From a peak of 654,019 in 1949, the number of crimes had declined year-on-year to 601,964. Murderers and dacoits; house-breakers and robbers — all were showing declining enthusiasm...
More »Bangalore ranks fourth in Rape cases
-The Hindu The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) statistics for 2011 said Bangalore ranks fourth among cities of the country in recorded Rape cases. The city accounted for 3.8 per cent of the reported cases in the country. When all crimes against women were considered, Bangalore went up a couple of notches to occupy the second place. The latest reports of gang Rape — on three women, which came within a week...
More »Major Crop Production to Dip by 2.3% in FY'13: CMIE
-Outlook Output of major crops, both food and non-food, is expected to decline by about 2.3 per cent in 2012-13 as sowing has remained sluggish, economic think tank CMIE has said. "Production of major crops is projected to decline in 2012-13. A fall in output of both food and non-food crops is expected to dip by 2.3 per cent," Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy said in its monthly report. Kharif acreage continued to...
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