-The Hindustan Times BJP president Nitin Gadkari on Thursday sent a legal notice to India Against Corruption (IAC) activist Anjali Damania, for alleging he had tried to cover up the irrigation scam in Maharashtra when she approached him. Gadkari has demanded an apology from her. The IAC, however, defended Daminia with Arvind Kejriwal posing four questions to Gadkari over his alleged proximity to NCP chief and union agriculture minister Sharad Pawar. In his...
Agriculture back in focus as growth estimate gets downgraded by banks like Morgan Stanley, Standard Chartered-Gayatri Nayak
-The Economic Times When the country was growing at more than 8 per cent for about a decade, services and manufacturing were the darlings of policy-makers, investors and talking heads. Agriculture, a segment that employs nearly half the hundred crore population of the country, was hardly mentioned even in passing. This year, thanks to a poor monsoon, suddenly the farmers are the centre of India's growth story, or the lack of...
More »Micro irrigation answer to depleting ground water level: Sharad Pawar
-PTI Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar today said the ground water level in the country is decreasing and there is an urgent need to check this through encouraging micro irrigation. "The ground water table in the country has come down in the last few years and in order to check this we should work with technologies like drip and sprinkler irrigation, which minimises loss of water," Pawar said in his inaugural address at...
More »Women and Girls at Heart of the Blue Revolution-Lakshmi Puri
-IPS News World Water Week recently concluded in Stockholm with a special emphasis on the linkages between water and food security. From the worst drought in 56 years in the United States Midwest, to the Karnataka’s drought in India, to the protracted drought in the Sahel region of West Africa, we have also seen how in our globalised world the nexus between lack of water and food security in one corner of...
More »Developing a land acquisition policy for India-Dilip Mookherjee and Maitreesh Ghatak
-Live Mint The current policy on compensating landowners could adversely affect character of India’s future growth The Parliament is currently considering a land acquisition, rehabilitation and resettlement Bill (LARR Bill), as are various state legislatures. These are likely to affect the pace and character of future growth in India in a significant way. Setting up new industries, service establishments and real estate development will inevitably require land to be acquired from rural areas....
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