Who cares for a paltry Rs 100 per day clean pay from the government. If you are dealing in coal, a little more black in your pockets couldn't hurt. Job schemes under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) in Ramgarh district are floundering as labourers prefer to ferry coal for illegal traders, fetching them at least four times more wages. "I have no interest in job schemes initiated...
The Militarization of India by Yasmin Qureshi
India is today the world's largest importer of arms. These include fighter jet planes, missiles and radar systems for strategic partnerships and geo-political power. India is also investing in security and surveillance to combat foreign threats and resistance from its own people in places like the Kashmir valley, and the North East and tribal regions of Central India. This provides tremendous opportunity for multi-national corporations to sell and invest in...
More »Silk farmers reel as cocoon prices go into freefall by Deepa Kurup
Import duty on raw silk has been cut from 30 to 5 per cent The mood is grim at the Government Cocoon Market in Ramanagaram. The auction of silk cocoons is on; however, no silk reeler is willing to pay more than Rs. 110 for a kg. At this rate, the loss incurred by each farmer is a heartbreaking Rs. 60 a kg. Double whammy The loss is greater and the risk more...
More »With the grain by Yoginder K Alagh
India has large wheat stocks already yet policy dictates they increase. In states like Punjab, Haryana, UP and Gujarat prices have fallen and are below the minimum support prices. This is a policy-induced outcome. A safe game in grains is fine, given the global politics of grain trade and the great ability of Indian politics to subsidise the wrong man in the vote bank — but how safe is safe? The...
More »Communists Lose by Wide Margin in Eastern India by Sujoy Dhar
The cheapest car in the world proved the costliest for a 34-year-old Left Front CPI-M government in India’s eastern state of West Bengal, as the communists lost the elections here by a wide margin. The outcome is the result of an anti-left movement that began in 2006 following the controversial takeover of farmland to create a manufacturing plant for Tata Motors’ small family vehicle called the ‘Nano’. A sweep by a regional...
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