All the judges of the Delhi High Court led by Chief Justice A. P. Shah on Friday made their assets and investments public by uploading the details on the Court’s website. Before these details were uploaded, each judge submitted the details of his or her assets to the Chief Justice. The asset details include properties in the judge’s name or in the name of his/her spouse or his/her dependant family members. A...
Questions of judicial access by VR Krishna Iyer
Is it the Supreme Court of India, or the Supreme Court for Indians? The law must be equally open to the humblest, simplest and little member of the community A decentralised system of judicature is a paramount property for democracy to have élan A Supreme Court of India, and a Supreme Court for all Indians: these two versions can be radically different in terms of principle and content. The Preamble to...
More »Insurgencies in Manipur: politics & ideology by MS Prabhakara
The people of Manipur had ‘histories’ and ‘memories’ that were longer and deeper than those of most other Indians when India attained independence. Every time one travels to Manipur, one returns humbled. This has been the case since my first visit in the late 1960s, long before becoming a journalist. Active insurgency was not even on the horizon then though some resentment against ‘India’ was evident. Between 1983 when I...
More »Tribal vacuum in mainstream parties by Radhika Ramaseshan
The BJP has wrenched power in “yet another state”. The Congress is looking at long-term gains by refusing to back Shibu Soren. But the Jharkhand verdict has also opened the eyes of the two mainline parties to a disturbing realisation: their failure to “nurture” tribal leaders. “Both of us stand exposed as out-and-out upper caste parties who have failed to create, and worse, nurture tribal leadership. The mandate’s message is the...
More »Judge calls 24x7 women’s help panel, told all officers on vacation by Utkarsh Anand
Constituted under a special Act and with public money to provide round-the-clock support to women in crisis, all Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) officials were “on vacation” on the New Year weekend, a city court judge found recently. Hearing a case of molestation on Saturday, Additional Sessions Judge (ASJ) at Karkardooma court Gurdeep Singh made the phone call to the DCW helpline, only to be told, “Sorry sir, no one...
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