-The Hindu ‘Its geographical distribution is what matters’ Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said here on Thursday that concerns about the impact of a deficient monsoon on the economy were “misplaced” and “far-fetched”. He told presspersons that conclusions were being made in an exaggerated manner after the India Meteorological Department forecast on Tuesday that rainfall would be only 88 per cent of the long-term average. “The speculation and analyses we have seen in the...
30% IPS Officers Ignore Property Disclosure -Gangadhar S Patil
-IndiaSpend.com New Delhi: More than 30% officers of Indian Police Service (IPS) and about 15% officers of Indian Administrative Service (IAS) have not disclosed details of their immovable property for the year 2014, according to government data. The All-India Service (Conduct) rules, 1968, require officers to disclose these details when they join service and submit an annual property statement—listing properties and shares. As many as 1,302 IPS officers have missed the deadline by...
More »Only 13 of India's 431 universities have women VCs -Chethan Kumar
-The Times of India BENGALURU: The prestigious Oxford University last week announced that professor Louise Richardson, subject to approval, could go on to become the university's first woman vice-chancellor in its 800-year history. Down in India, things are not too different. Multiple studies reveal the percentage of women vice-chancellors in India is at a shocking 3%, with just 13 universities of the 431 a UGC study surveyed, having women running a university....
More »Callous habits catch up with noodles and more -GS Mudur
-The Telegraph New Delhi: Biochemist Thuppil Venkatesh says he is not surprised by claims of food safety regulators in Uttar Pradesh and Delhi that they have detected lead, a potential toxin to humans, in Maggi noodles. For over a decade, Venkatesh, professor emeritus at St John's Medical College, Bangalore, has been trying to warn the country about what he says are dangerous levels of lead in the environment that may slip into...
More »Bad precedent
-Business Standard Promulgating land ordinance for a third time is an unwise move Over the weekend, the Union Cabinet decided to promulgate, for the third time, the ordinance amending the 2013 land acquisition Act. The amendments to the Act have run into heavy weather politically, with most opposition parties presenting a united front against it. Passage in the Rajya Sabha is, therefore, difficult to manage. However, the proposed amendments have been sent...
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