The deputy director of the education department, Anil Powar, has in a statement to the Panaji police said that rice and wheat allotted on a monthly basis to self help groups under the midday meal scheme can't be sold in the open market, police sources said. The police recorded Powar's statement after a diary seized from Devendra Shinde-accused of selling rice from fair price shops in the open market-revealed that he...
Contaminated IV drip kills 12 pregnant women in 10 days
Contaminated intravenous fluid has killed at least 12 pregnant women at Jodhpur's government-run Umaid Hospital in the last 10 days, according to hospital and police sources. Four more women were in a serious condition and had to be put on ventilators on Thursday. The hospital administration lodged a criminal case against the IV fluid manufacturer, Parental Surgical India Pvt Ltd (Indore), and the local distributor, Anshul Pharma, on Thursday as the...
More »Badwa committee uncovers PDS racket in Yavatmal
With the arrest of two drivers of trucks transporting wheat and other food grains meant for the Public Distribution System (PDS) by the Wadgaon Road police on Sunday night, the unabated PDS food grain pilferage racket stands exposed once again. According to Wadgaon Road police station officer (PSO) Baijnath Latpatte, drivers Firoz Shah Kasam (40) and Rafique Shah Kasam (45), both residents of Jafar Nagar, Yavatmal, were arrested after registering...
More »MNREGA worker killed for demanding wages
An MGNREGA worker was allegedly thrashed-to-death by his contractor for demanding wages for the well digging work he had done at Bathua village under Harla police station here on Sunday. Sources said the deceased, Subal Mahto (50), a resident of Bathua, was assigned the task of digging a well along with four others under the MNREGA scheme at his village by the contractor, Bhaghirath Rajwar. They had been asked by...
More »RTI is best tool to check malpractices by Partha Sarathi Biswas
“The Right to Information (RTI) Act is a very powerful tool to fight the cancer of corruption, which is eating away at the vitals of the country,” stated former judge PM Dhakephalkar. He was speaking at a discussion on ‘Corruption ridden India’, organised by Community Aid and Sponsorship Programme (Casp) Prabodhan Mandal at SP College on Sunday. Apart from Dhakephalkar, resident editor of Pune edition of DNA, Abhay Vaidya, former director general...
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