A 68-year-old Right to Information activist in Kancheepuram was found dead on the side of a road in Velathottam in Kancheepuram district on Thursday evening. V Balasubrmanian had filed a number of applications under the Right To Information (RTI) Act seeking information about alleged irregularities in several handloom weavers' cooperative societies in Kancheepuram district, it was learnt. Federation of Anti-Corruption Teams-India general secretary T Retnapandian of Chennai told TOI that...
Vedanta project: panel blames Orissa officials
For deliberate non-implementation of forest right, panchayat Acts The N.C. Saxena panel, which has asked the Centre not to clear Vedanta's bauxite mining project in Orissa, is scathing about the “collusion” of the State and district administrations, blaming them for deliberate non-implementation of the Forest Rights Act (FRA) and the Panchayats (Extension to the Scheduled Areas) Act (PESA) in the region. These Acts insist that the consent of forest dwelling tribal communities...
More »Behind the success story of universal PDS in Tamil Nadu by S Vydhianathan and RK Radhakrishnan
Technological interventions, innovative and fool-proof delivery mechanisms, constant reviews and fixing responsibility at each level ensure that an effective delivery system is in place. The Public Distribution System in Tamil Nadu is a success story, in its coverage as well as its pricing. Each family, whether below the poverty line or not, is entitled to 20 kg of rice at Re. 1 a kg. The State Government opted for universal coverage...
More »We've reined in food inflation: Pranab
Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on Thursday countered the Opposition attack that the government's policies resulted in price rise and said the steps it took resulted in food inflation coming down. Replying to the debate on the motion on price rise, he said additional revenue measures were also taken to bring down the fiscal deficit and keep the economy in a better shape. The Rajya Sabha later unanimously adopted the motion: “This House...
More »Cabinet approves short-term crop loan for farmers at 7%
In an attempt to further subsidise short-term crop loan to farmers, the Union Cabinet on Friday approved release of Rs 4,868 crore to public sector banks. The decision will ensure that farmers, in general, receive short-term crop loan at 7% per annum (5% for prompt payers) with an upper limit of Rs 3 lakh on the principal amount during 2010-11. "The Union Cabinet today gave its approval for the release...
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