—PTI The Cabinet on Sunday approved a Rs. 2,350-crore package for crisis-ridden handloom weavers, mostly concentrated in poll-bound Uttar Pradesh. The package is part of a Rs. 6,234-crore scheme for handloom weavers announced last month by Commerce and Industry Minister Anand Sharma at Varanasi following an advice from AICC general secretary Rahul Gandhi, who is extensively touring U.P. in the run-up to Assembly Elections. The package comprised Rs. 3,880 crore for the loan...
Union Cabinet clears Food Security Bill
-CNN-IBN The Union Cabinet on Sunday cleared Food Security Bill. The bill will now be tabled in Parliament. Earlier, around 30 activists staged a protest outside Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's residence in New Delhi on Sunday evening demanding immediate passage of Right to Food Bill. A senior police official said the activists were detained and taken to police station. The meeting was originally scheduled for Monday but advanced to Sunday evening, sources said. The...
More »Dalit groups storm Dadar mill
Dalit political parties irked by Centre's unwillingness to allocate the entire 12.5-acre India United Mill plot for the proposed Dr BR Ambedkar memorial stepped up agitations across the city on Thursday. Hundreds of activists of Republican Party of India (Athavale) teamed up with another Dalit outfit, the Republican Sena and staged a blockade on the Eastern Express Highway, throwing traffic out of gear. The protesters burnt effigies of Prime Minister...
More »Draft to get election push at Cabinet meeting on Sunday by Kavita Chowdhury
The government is going to make a final attempt to push Sonia Gandhi’s pet legislation, the Food Security Bill, at the Cabinet meeting this Sunday. Cabinet approval is vital if the Bill is to be introduced in Parliament within the few remaining days of this session. This could possibly be the last session before Assembly Elections in five states. Food Minister K V Thomas told Business Standard, “We are trying to introduce...
More »CAG net for all rural development schemes
-The Hindu The government has announced that all rural development programmes, including the flagship Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee scheme, would be brought under the auditing ambit of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG). The outlay on rural development programmes during the current fiscal has been put at Rs. 88,000 crore. “You will be happy to know that for the first time the government has decided to bring all...
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