A relief of Rs 94.93 crore will be paid to farmers whose crops were damaged in the recent floods in Haryana. This figure has been calculated as per the state norms on the basis of damage to crops assessed through a special girdawari. This was revealed at a meeting of the state-level committee constituted to administer the Haryana Calamity Relief Fund, which was chaired by Chief Secretary Urvashi Gulati here today. She directed...
Punjab to have rural godowns to store food grains
In a bid to protect food grains from spoiling due to inadequate storage facilities, Punjab and Sind Bank has come up with an initiative to extend credit for the construction of rural godowns in Punjab. The Punjab government is fully supporting this initiative and they have also got the green signal from the government of India. 'The bank will provide finance for construction of rural godowns of any storage capacity as per...
More »Rice output may reach record as rain boosts planting
India, the world’s second-biggest rice grower, may have a record harvest this year as increased planting offset drought in the east of the country. Production may total 100 million tonnes in the year ending June 2011, compared with 89.3 million tonnes a year ago, said Vijay Setia, president of All India Rice Exporters’ Association. Output was a record 99.2 million tonnes in the year ended June 30, 2009, according to the...
More »World Bank to Provide USD 900 Mn to Flood-Hit Pak by Lalit K Jha
The World Bank has agreed to provide USD 900 million financial aid to Pakistan which has been hit by devastating floods affecting 14 million people and leading to crop loss estimated at USD 1 billion. "The Government of Pakistan has requested around USD 900 million of financial support from the World Bank, which we have committed to provide," the World Bank said in statement. The current floods have claimed over 1700 lives...
More »Leh: PM announces Rs. 125 cr relief for cloudburst victims
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh announced a Rs. 125 crore relief packaged for the Leh cloudburst victims and said all houses destroyed by the natural calamity will be reconstructed within the next two-and-a-half months. Singh, who arrived in Leh on a day-long visit to take stock of relief and rehabilitation undertaken in the aftermath of flash floods in this mountainous region, said relief will be given from the Prime Minister's National Relief...
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