The 11-day-long agitation by the residents of Mirchpur and adjoining villages, demanding a fresh probe into the killing of two Dalits, ended on Wednesday after talks with Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda on Tuesday concluded on a positive note. The talks between Bhag Singh Jalabh, convener of the 41-member committee constituted by the Sarvjatiya Sarvkhap Mahapanchayat, and Mr. Hooda were held in Kaithal. Mr. Jalabh said the meeting was held in...
Oil gang burns collector alive by Satish Nandgaonkar
In the middle of a debate about corruption in high places, the curse struck in a macabre manner from the base of the pyramid on the eve of the celebration of the republic. An additional collector was burnt alive in daylight by a gang that sprinkled kerosene on him after the 44-year-old officer caught their aides pilfering fuel from a tanker in Maharashtra’s Nashik today. The prime suspect, who has a history...
More »Expert wants cosmic rays' impact on global warming assessed by N Gopal Raj
Charged particles from beyond solar system possibly affect the pace, but the extent is not clear The role of the cosmic rays has been highlightedin a paper by the former ISRO Chairman, U.R. Rao Dr. Rao points to a nine per cent reduction in the intensity of cosmic rays during the past 150 years The impact of cosmic rays on global warming needs to be assessed. Are charged particles coming from beyond the...
More »Cosmic row on climate by GS Mudur
The environment ministry today released a paper by a senior Indian space scientist that highlights the role of cosmic rays in global warming and attempts to rekindle a 13-year debate on natural factors heating the planet. The scientific review, by Udupi Ramachandra Rao, a cosmic ray physicist and former head of the Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro), also claims the UN climate change agency overestimated the role of greenhouse gases on...
More »Microfinance: misunderstood, Malegamed by MS Sriram
A generally beleaguered microfinance industry was eagerly waiting for Yezdi Malegam for deliverance. Any conversation about the microfinance business would end with the expectation that the Malegam committee would deliver a healthy dose of oxygen to the choking microfinance industry. The report was expected to be the panacea for all that ails microfinance in India. The report, which came out on Monday, disappoints not only in its inability to meet these...
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