-The Times of India The Supreme Court on Tuesday said it would hear arguments from March 27 on framing of guidelines for media on reporting of judicial proceedings. A five-judge constitution bench headed by Chief Justice S H Kapadia took up the issue on filing of applications for framing of guidelines by senior advocate Fali S Nariman and market regulator Sebi. The proceedings emanated from alleged leakage of advocate's proposal of Sahara...
Vodafone case: SC dismisses review petition-Nikhil Kanekal, Remya Nair & Surabhi Agarwal
The Supreme Court dismissed the government’s review petition in the Vodafone tax case on Tuesday, affirming its January ruling that put overseas transfers of shares outside the Indian tax net. The review petition and last week’s budget proposals seeking retrospective changes have revived the uncertainty over tax laws, according to government officials, the Planning Commission and businesses. If Parliament passes the budget in its current form, the judgement in the Vodafone case...
More »Vodafone tax case: Supreme Court rejects petition seeking review of order
-The Economic Times The Supreme Court has declined to reconsider its ruling that the tax authorities had no jurisdiction to tax Vodafone's offshore acquisition of its Indian mobile unit, handing what could be a pyrrhic victory to the telecom major. The tax demand, government officials familiar with the case said, could be revived once the provisions in the Union Budget seeking to tax overseas deals are approved by Parliament later this...
More »96% of the arrested criminals are not in jail
-The Hindu Liberal bail system adopted by courts Only 3.2 per cent of the people arrested for various crimes are in prison given the “liberal bail system” adopted by courts, according to the Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPR&D), New Delhi. Making a presentation on ‘Problems of overcrowding in prisons in India' at an all-India conference of DG/IG of Prisons here on Saturday, B.V. Trivedi, Deputy Director, BPR&D, said: “As much as...
More »Supreme Court to examine constitutional validity of nuclear civil liability law by J Venkatesan
The Supreme Court will examine the constitutional validity of the Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Act, 2010, which limits the liability of an operator in the event of a nuclear disaster to Rs. 1,500 crore. A Bench of Chief Justice S.H. Kapadia and Justices A.K. Patnaik and Swatanter Kumar on Friday issued notice to the Centre on a writ petition filed jointly by Common Cause; the Centre for Public Interest Litigation;...
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