-The Times of India KANPUR: Kanpur Dehat police booked four activists who had been seeking information from a village pradhan (head) on various development projects in their locality under the Right to Information Act (RTI). Speaking to TOI on phone, Sunil Singh, a resident of Shahjahanpur Ninaya village, said, he had filed an RTI application at the office of the district magistrate in September seeking information from authorities on various developmental...
Kejriwal link drives ‘donors’ into a tizzy
-DNA Top corporates and businessmen appear to be in a rush to defend themselves following a report in New Delhi-based tabloid Mail Today that they funded Arvind Kejriwal-led India Against Corruption (IAC). The Tata Social Welfare Trust clarified that while it had indeed made a grant of Rs 25 lakh a year to Kejriwal’s NGO, the Ghaziabad-based Public Cause Research Foundation (PCRF) beginning 2009, the money was not meant to be used...
More »No Donation to Kejriwal for Political Activities: Murthy
-Outlook After Tatas, Infosys founder Narayana Murthy today said he has not given donation to Arvind Kejriwal for political activities and had declined a request from him for financial assistance two months ago. Murthy had in 2008 agreed to give Kejriwal's Public Cause Research Foundation Rs 25 lakh per year for five years and brought Tata Social Welfare Trust on board to donate an equal amount for the same period to raise...
More »CIC to seek political parties’ assets details from I-T dept
-PTI The CIC will seek a report from income tax department and directorate of estate regarding tax exemptions claimed by political parties and their assets to ascertain whether there is enough indirect funding from the government to bring them under the ambit of RTI Act. The CIC is considering the case whether political parties, which receive benefits from the government in the form of subsidised buildings for offices, free air-time and various...
More »The power of RTI
-The Hindu The Right to Information Act was a marvel in a country that boasted unbreachable barriers between the ruler and the ruled. It was outside the imagination of the ordinary folk raised in a cloistered environment of fear and secrecy that they could actually call for and obtain records of decisions that critically impacted their lives. Yet in only seven years, the RTI law has not just penetrated the fortress...
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