-The Hindustan Times Following a day-long drama, the government and the opposition parties finally decided on Monday to refer the lokpal and lokayuktas bill to a fresh House panel for further scrutiny, virtually bringing Anna Hazare and his team back to life. Within moments of the Rajya Sabha passing a government resolution to set up a 15-member select committee to examine the bill, Team Anna announced that Arvind Kejriwal would lead...
Govt defers bill easing divorce law
-The Times of India Under pressure from political parties and women's organizations, the government on Monday deferred passage of the bill that seeks to include "irretrievable breakdown of marriage'' among the reasons for divorce, along with other provisions, which the BJP has opposed on the ground that it could prove detrimental to women in the Indian social context. Law minister Salman Khurshid told Rajya Sabha said most of the concerns raised on...
More »Govt to provide direct subsidy on kerosene
-PTI Government today said it planned to provide direct subsidy to beneficiaries of kerosene oil and a pilot project in this regard in Alwar district of Rajasthan was yielding good results. "Direct subsidy on kerosene is planned in future ... We have to move towards it. It will be done using UID cards... We are benefiting from the pilot project," minister of state for petroleum and natural gas RPN Singh said in...
More »House in progress-Hannan Mollah
The Parliament of India, the highest citadel of its democracy, recently completed 60 years. This magnificent circular edifice was inaugurated on January 18, 1927, by the then governor-general, Lord Irwin, and legislative councils had conducted its sessions here. After Independence, the Central Hall accommodated the Constituent Assembly till it completed writing the Constitution. The first Lok Sabha was constituted on April 17, 1952, and the first Rajya Sabha on April...
More »The trouble with Lokpal-Anjali Bhardwaj & Shekhar Singh
Institutions the bill proposes to set up are not adequately independent of the government The government is reported to be making efforts to seek a consensus amongst its allies and the opposition parties on the Lokpal Bill that is awaiting approval of the Rajya Sabha. People’s movements and some of the main opposition parties have objected to various provisions of the Lokpal and Lokayukta Bill, 2011, as passed in the winter...
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