Farmers' frenzy against land acquisition spread on Sunday and singed more places in west Uttar Pradesh with the number of those killed rising to four. While 22 protesters were arrested for rioting and arson, the state government announced a reward of Rs 50,000 for information on absconding farmer leader Manveer Singh Tevetia who triggered the protests. Four policemen were injured in Agra where farmers attacked cops demanding higher compensation for their...
Posco land buy rolls by Subrat Das
The Orissa government today decided to resume land acquisition for Posco’s 12-million-tonne steel plant project from May 18, having got the final nod from the environment ministry. “The Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation and Jagatsinghpur district administration will jointly take up land acquisition work from May 18,” Priyabrata Patnaik, the nodal officer for the Posco project, said today. The Union environment ministry on May 2 granted final approval for the diversion of 1,253...
More »PDS needs Centre's aid, says Minister
Food and Civil Supplies Minister C. Divakaran said here on Friday that the Public Distribution System (PDS) in Kerala could be efficient only with the assistance of the Central government. Talking to Reporters, the Minister said that the State was food deficit. So, the Centre should extend a helping hand in maintaining the system, he added. The Minister said that he had to face much difficulty in prosecuting the accused in the...
More »2 cops killed in clashes with farmers in Greater Noida, 1 farmer also dead
Two policemen were among three persons killed and District Magistrate Deepak Agarwal got a bullet injury in fierce clashes that broke out in Greater Noida on Saturday between security personnel and agitating farmers holding three roadways employees hostage. Scores of people including an SSP were also injured when the agitation by the farmers demanding better compensation for their acquired land turned violent in Bhatta Parsaul village in Gautam Buddha Nagar district,...
More »Govt mulling Rs 3/litre diesel rate hike after assembly polls
The government plans to hike diesel prices by up to Rs 3 a litre soon after the assembly elections in five states are over next week, while an equivalent steep increase in petrol rates is also on card. "An Empowered Group of Ministers (EGoM) headed by finance minister Pranab Mukherjee is scheduled to meet on May 11 to mull on a hike in diesel prices," a top government official, refusing to...
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