-Live Mint Even as India struggles in efforts to usher in transparency, some panchayats are offering a refreshing contrast Chandana/Jind: Sometime last year, Surendra Singh got a call from a military outpost in Srinagar. The soldier had an urgent inquiry for the 31-year-old sarpanch of Chandana, a village in Haryana's Kaithal district. The man, who hailed from the village, had lost his voter ID card and needed a letter from the...
A suitable CAG -Ratna Viswanathan
-The Indian Express As the tenure of the incumbent draws to a close, let's debate the institution's structure and powers It is time for the selection of a new comptroller and auditor general as the tenure of the incumbent draws to a close on May 22. Traditionally, the CAG has been an unseen agency, churning out audit report after audit report on every department supported by government funds every year. The last...
More »Crumbs on the plate -Harsh Mander
-The Hindustan Times It now seems increasingly unlikely that Parliament will consider the National Food Security Bill during this budget session. In a land which for centuries suffered devastating famines, where chronic hunger continues to stalk more than 200 million people, and which is home to every third malnourished child on the planet, this would be one more sad betrayal of the country's indigent millions, a reminder of how little they...
More »Coal-Gate: PM reportedly asked law officers if he is an accused in the coal case -Sunil Prabhu and Abhinav Bhatt
-NDTV In a meeting with the government's top law officers, the Prime Minister reportedly asked if he is an accused in a case that searches why coal fields were given to private players without transparency, allegedly losing the government vast amounts of money. For several of the years under review, the Prime Minister held direct charge of the Coal Ministry. But the government's real embarrassment lies in the revelation that last month, Law...
More »Panchayati raj: Failing the urbanization test- Elizabeth Roche, Liz Mathew and Shamsheer Yousaf
-Live Mint Lack of decentralization means municipalities lack power, resources to meet rising aspirations of ‘middle' India Othakadai, Madurai (Tamil Nadu)/Hubli (Karnataka): S. Paramasivam , president of the Othakadai panchayat, has big plans for his area. "Rainwater harvesting, removal of encroachments on roads, waste recycling, covered drainage, bigger primary health care centres and community parks," lists the 58-year-old, who has spent 30 years in the stainless steel business that dominates industry...
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