-The Hindu The Department of Organic and Seed Certification has certified 93,552 tonnes seed from the paddy, millets, pulses, cotton, oil seeds and vegetable varieties. The purpose behind certifying the seeds was to convey to the farmers that they could be assured of the purity of the seeds, the department said in a press release. The purity of the seeds had been maintained and that they were of good quality. The Seed...
Just A Clever Comma? by Lola Nayar
The GM crops debate rages, but pressure is on to end the moratorium Actively On Hold? Well... * GEAC meets experts in late April, butthrows no light on safety reviews * Second report by national science academies supports limited release * GEAC chairman rejects limited release; assures further discussions * No decision on further tests or studies to justify Bt Brinjal * Civil society groups meet GEAC in May, seek...
More »Organic farming – India's future perfect?
-Guardian A budding interest in organic food offers farmers soaring incomes and higher yields, but critics say it's not the answer to India's fast-rising food demands India's struggling farmers are starting to profit from a budding interest in organic living. Not only are the incomes of organic farmers soaring – by 30% to 200%, according to organic experts – but their yields are rising as the pesticide-poisoned land is repaired through natural...
More »BT to solve food security problems: Scientist
Biotechnology can provide effective solutions to the rising food security problems of the country on the back of rising population and inflation concerns. “With rising population, depleting land and water resources, and a rapid increase in food prices in India, the application of innovation and crop biotechnologies will be critical in enhancing agricultural yields along with achievement of food security for the nation,” G Padmanaban, NASI-Platinum Jubilee Chair of Indian Institute...
More »All you wanted to know about Endosulfan (…but were afraid to ask!)
Endosulfan, the pesticide which is widely believed to be responsible for thousands of deaths, diseases and devastation, was able to save its own life largely because of India’s questionable efforts at global forums. The controversial pesticide has been in news for a long time because of its harmful effects on humans, wild life and the environment. Obviously the $100 million industry is going out of the way to defend the...
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