-The Business Standard The government had announced Rs 2,000 per quintal, which the farmers were unhappy with Dharwad: The State Agriculture Price Commission will shortly recommend the revised support price for jowar and ragi crops, said commission chairman Prakash Kammaradi. Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a workshop on the production of jowar, organised in connection with the government's plans to incorporate jowar and ragi into the Anna Bhagya scheme here on...
Umbrella agri scheme to improve supply of agri-commodities at grassroot level -Anindita Dey
-The Business Standard Four sub missions have been merged into one scheme - agri extension, seed and planting material, agri mechanisation and plant protection and plant quarantine Mumbai: The ministry of agriculture has introduced an umbrella scheme to augment agricultural extension and technology activities with the objective of improving the supply of the agricultural commodities from the grass root level. According to official sources, the impetus on agricultural extension has to go hand...
More »Ram Vilas Paswan, the minister in charge of food and public distribution talks with Sanjeeb Mukherjee
-The Business Standard Interview with Union minister in charge of food and public distribution Ever since the new government took office in May, food prices and related issues have been one of the most discussed subjects. Ram Vilas Paswan, the minister in charge of food and public distribution, says hoarders are to blame. And, speaks of the various other priorities under his charge. Edited exceprts of a talk with Sanjeeb Mukherjee: * The...
More »Modi plays pro-poor card in WTO row -Radhika Ramaseshan
-The Telegraph New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi today accused the developed nations of a "disinformation campaign" to "isolate" India for refusing to toe their line at the World Trade Organisation, painting his government before a domestic political audience as a champion of the poor. Addressing a party meeting weeks before his US trip next month, Modi pitched the recent controversy at the global trade body as a battle between the haves...
More »Schemes and Programmes for the Benefit of Small and Marginal Farmers
-Press Information Bureau/ Ministry of Agriculture Government restructured the ongoing scheme and following centrally sponsored Mission/Schemes are under implementation from 1.4.2014: (i) National Food Security Mission (NFSM) (ii) National Horticulture Mission (iii) National Mission on Oilseeds & Oil Palm (iv) National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA) including Micro Irrigation (v) National Mission on Agricultural Extension & Technology (vi) Integrated Scheme for Farmers Income Security (vii) Integrated Scheme on Agri. Census & Statistics (viii) Integrated Scheme on Agriculture Marketing (ix)...
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