-The Hindu SC orders govt to file affidavit detailing steps so far taken in Lokpal appointment process New Delhi: The government informed the Supreme Court on Friday that a eight-member search committee has been constituted in September 2018 for zeroing in on eligible candidates for Lokpal and the anti-corruption authority will frame its own rules of functioning. The panel is led by former Supreme Court judge, Justice Ranjana Prakash Desai. On September 27,...
At this dairy in UP, stray cattle are no longer stray, farmers fighting hordes -Sourav Roy Barman
-The Indian Express Villagers in western UP have started herding strays to schools in Agra, Aligarh and Mathura. FROM A distance, it seemed as if they were trying to break into Parag Dairy near the Hathras-Mathura highway, repeatedly banging on its locked metal gate. Except, it was a group of desperate villagers from nearby Hardpur, trying to get rid of a truckload of stray cattle Wednesday afternoon. They shouted and argued but...
More »Reforming Agricultural Markets in India: A Tale of Two Model Acts -Sukhpal Singh
-Economic and Political Weekly The union Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare had prescribed a model Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee Act in 2003. The state-level adoption of the act has been tardy and varied in terms of both the magnitude and content of agricultural market reforms. Yet, the ministry under the current central government has come up with another model act, the Agricultural Produce and Livestock Marketing (Promotion and Facilitation) Act,...
More »UIDAI to obtain biometrics of 30 lakh NRC applicants -Vijaita Singh
-The Hindu The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) will record biometric data including the fingerprints and iris scans of about 30 lakh applicants who have sought to be included in the National Register of Citizens (NRC) after having been excluded from the final draft published last year. Almost 30 lakh out of the 40 lakh people who found their names missing from the NRC had filed claims to be included during...
More »Ganga water quality has improved, govt. tells RS -Jacob Koshy
-The Hindu Cleaner stretches recorded across all riverine States New Delhi: The water quality of the Ganga in 2018 has “improved over last year”, according to a written statement in the Rajya Sabha on Monday by junior Water Resources Minister Satyapal Singh. The statement said “dissolved oxygen” levels had improved at 39 locations, and “biological oxygen demand” (BOD) levels and faecal coliform had decreased at 42 and 47 locations respectively. These three parameters...
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