-The Times of India Taking a cue from the RBI governor D Subbarao, market leader Indian Oil Corporation indulged in grand standing on Tuesday by saying state-run retailers would raise petrol price by almost Rs 10 per litre, if the government did not reduce excise duty or did not compensate their Rs 49-crore daily loss on the fuel. "We have been very patient, not raising prices since December despite our cost of...
Fear of Freedom by Rudrangshu Mukherjee
There is nothing more frightening than being frightened. Fear takes away the powers of rational thinking. It makes one pause before one performs acts that were previously considered routine. Does one forward an email containing a cartoon or a joke about a political leader who holds the most important job in the state of West Bengal? As a journalist, does one dare to write an article that is critical of...
More »Beyond the Right to Education lies a school of hard knocks by Aruna Sankaranarayanan
The Supreme Court's recent mandate that private unaided non-minority schools should reserve 25 per cent of seats for underprivileged children is being hailed as a landmark ruling. The SPIRit of the decision is indeed laudable as it reflects the egalitarian ethos of the Right to Education (RTE) Act. Thus, as private schools open their doors to children from marginalised sections of society, the government pats itself on the back for...
More »Rising rural, urban wages aiding inflation: RBI report
Rising wages in both rural and urban India have contributed to inflation, and managing price levels when wages are rising is key to deriving benefits from higher growth, the Reserve Bank of India has said. "The pressure on generalised inflation from sustained increase in wage costs has been one important characteristic of the recent high inflation episode. Wage increases for unskilled labourers in rural areas continue to be at a rate...
More »Is ‘Didi’ Headed For a Fall? by Anuradha Sharma
Aamra ekhon-o boli ni kon kagoj porte hobe, kintu agami dine kintu setao bole debo. (Till now, we haven’t told which newspapers must be read, but in the future, we will do that as well.) – West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, speaking on March 29 in defense of her government’s decision to bar all but 13 newspapers from more than 2,400 government-approved libraries across the state. “Kunal Ghosh, associate editor...
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