ToRrential rain over the past two weeks has damaged 20 per cent of the standing crops, and the loss has been estimated at Rs. 500 crore. Minister for Agriculture Umesh Katti told presspersons here on Thursday that crops about to be harvested were damaged in Chitradurga, Kodagu, Haveri, Shimoga, Chikmagalur, Mandya, Hassan, Gadag, Belgaum and Chickballapur districts. Crops such as jowar, paddy, maize, ragi and potato were damaged extensively in some...
What drives the Dalits to Christianity? by Bhupendra Yadav
DALIT THEOLOGY IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY — Discordant Voices, Discerning Pathways: Edited by Sathianathan Clarke, Deenbandhu Manchala, Philip Vinod Peacock; Oxford University Press, YMCA Library Building, Jai Singh Road, New Delhi-110001. Rs. 745. Although Christian missionaries of various denominations have been active in India for several centuries, the 1941 Census placed the number of Christians in colonial India at just 1.6 per cent of the population. This clearly indicates that the...
More »NGO conducts social audit
With the aim of bringing transparency in work, Jan Mitra Nyas, a trust constituted by the NGO People’s Vigilance Committee for Human Rights (PVCHR), organised its social audit at a hotel in Jagatganj area in Varanasi on Wednesday. The trust presented all its balance sheets, account bill vouchers and progress reports, before the people from areas where the trust’s projects are being run, including both representatives of these programmes and...
More »HC refuses to vacate stay on eviction of tribals
Directing the forest officials not to demolish the huts of the tribals and other forest dwellers in Khammam agency area, Justice C V Ramulu of the AP High Court on Wednesday made absolute a stay that was imposed earlier on such forcible evictions. The judge made this order while hearing a petition filed by the forest range officers of VR Puram and other areas of Khammam district who wanted the court...
More »India drops to 87th rank in Integrity Index
India has fallen three places to 87th in Transparency International's latest Corruption Perceptions Index, in which 178 countries were surveyed. India's integrity score has fallen to 3.3 out of 10 in 2010 while it was 3.5 in 2007 and 3.4 in 2008 and 2009. Transparency International India chairman P.S. Bawa on Tuesday said the recent damaging revelations in the Commonwealth Games contracts seems to have increased the perception about corruption and...
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