-The Hindu The Union government on Tuesday announced an increase of Rs. 115 in the minimum support price (MSP) of wheat, which has been set at Rs. 1,285 a quintal for the 2012-13 rabi marketing season. The MSP for the previous year was Rs. 1,170 including a bonus of Rs. 50. Terming the increase a “Diwali bonanza to farmers,” Law Minister Salman Khursheed told journalists that the decision was taken at a...
Minimum support price on food items up, may fan inflation
-The Times of India Ahead of elections in Punjab and Uttar Pradesh, the government on Tuesday announced an increase of up to 39% in the support price for farm goods in what is being billed as a Diwali gift for farmers. But the move has raised fears of a further spike in food inflation, which crossed the 10% mark last week. While the smallest increase was in case of wheat, where the...
More »Chandrasekhar Sahu, Agriculture Minister of Chhattisgarh interviewed by Jyotika Sood
Chandrasekhar Sahu, agriculture minister of Chhattisgarh, is passionate about making farming a viable proposition for farmers. He has written several books on the subject and is a frequent contributor to environmental journals. Talking to Jyotika Sood, he says the challenges in a state where 80 per cent of the population depends on agriculture are tremendous. He plans a separate agriculture budget and wants organic farming to be a cornerstone of...
More »Dealing with grain glut
-The Business Standard This year’s paddy procurement season has started with foodgrain stocks being more than double the buffer stock norms. An increase in grain stocks will put a strain on the already-scarce warehousing space, with consequences for safe storage and usability. Thus, excess holding of grains ought to be avoided. Maintaining a stockpile of nearly 55 million tonnes, with average economic cost of wheat and rice being Rs 18,000 per...
More »Subsidy Bill will damage govt’s finances: Sharad Pawar
-The Economic Times The increase in India's food subsidy bill after the introduction of the Food Security Act, which will guarantee subsidised grains to a large section of population, could damage the country's financial health, agriculture minister Sharad Pawar said here on Wednesday. The situation is worrying even now, the minister said at the Economic Editors Conference here. "The issue price of grains for ration shops has not been changed for last...
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