-The Hindu He will join the Bharat Jodo Yatra soon Academic turned political activist Yogendra Yadav has decided to opt for a "two year" leave from the Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM). Prof. Yadav, who plays a key role in charting the activities of the SKM, will soon join the Bharat Jodo Yatra led by Congress president Rahul Gandhi. He has taken permission from the SKM general body, held here on Sunday, to...
Dr R Hemalatha, Director of ICMR-National Institute of Nutrition, interviewed by Archana Jyoti (The Pioneer)
-The Pioneer Every year, India observes September as Poshan Maah (nutritional month) to raise awareness about proper eating habits and also about nutrition. Speaking to ARCHANA JYOTI, ICMR-National Institute of Nutrition Director, Dr R Hemalatha, discusses in length about the nutrition landscape of India, the proposed revision of the dietary guidelines, the need for increased focus on maternal nutrition and the reasons behind India's sluggish performance on key maternal and child...
More »33% Indian households cut milk consumption amid price rise concerns: Survey
-IANS/ Business Standard LocalCircles -- a community social media platform -- conducted a survey to gather information on how the households are coping with it Rising prices of milk has led to one in three Indian households either downgrading brand or reducing consumption, says a survey. Amid complaints on rising milk prices, LocalCircles -- a community social media platform --, conducted a survey to gather information on how the households are coping with...
More »Merchandise exports remain flat at $33 billion in August -Vikas Dhoot
-The Hindu On conservating estimate, exports will cross $750 billion amid global headwinds, said Commerce Secretary India’s merchandise exports contracted 1.15% in August to $33 billion, while inelastic imports of petroleum and coal remained firm, lifting imports above the $60 billion mark for the sixth successive month. The country’s goods trade deficit moderated slightly from the record $30 billion in July, but remained the second highest on record at $28.68 billion, more than...
More »Paddy sowing over in 97% normal area till Sept 2, cloud over final output -Sanjeeb Mukherjee
-Business Standard For all the kharif crops, the acreage, as on September 2, was around 106.92 mha - just 1.27% lower than last year The acreage of paddy — the main foodgrain grown during the kharif season— continued to remain around 6 per cent lower than the acreage during the same period last year. So far, around 97 per cent of the normal area has been covered. Normal area is the average...
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