The “committee” promised by the Goalpara administration to clear the paltry sum of Rs 200 to fund midday meals in Belpara primary school in the district has not materialised yet, leaving its 40 students in the lurch. The promise came on June 12, almost a month after the May 13 abduction of the school’s headmaster, Kameshwar Rabha, and another teacher by suspected GNLA militants while they duo were riding back home...
Lethal ingredients in the Rio+20 mocktail-V Suresh & NS Tanvi
-The Hindu Commodification, commercialisation and financialisation of nature will produce a greedy, not green, economy Over 100 world leaders will meet in Rio de Janeiro this week for the U.N. Conference on Sustainable Development, popularly referred to as Rio+20 Global Earth Summit. It is being held amidst “‘a world running low on drinking water and productive land’ and set against the backdrop of accelerating global warming, climate change, chemical contamination of air, land...
More »Give tribals the right to forests-VK Bahuguna
-The Pioneer The land rights given under Forest Rights Act should be used to make these lands so productive that the people become self-sufficient for their daily needs. Government departments must facilitate the change, says VK Bahuguna Land-based resources in areas affected by Maoist violence are the backbone of tribal livelihood. But, population pressure and degradation coupled with poor investment has led to the gradual reduction in the income of the people...
More »School students deprived of mid-day meal scheme
-The Shillong Times KLEW: A serious irregularity has been unearthed over the implementation of the mid-day meal scheme in the Unitarian Lower Primary School in Upper Klew village in Ri-Bhoi district. Students of the school are not getting their mid-day meal even though official records claim that mid-day meals are being provided to the students on a regular basis. The matter came to light after students of the school confirmed that they were...
More »Autism aid in draft bill-Ananya Sengupta
Autistic people stand to benefit in terms of schooling, jobs and welfare projects if a new disability act that is being drafted is enacted into law. The Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995, does not include autism but the government plans to cover the condition in the revised act, accepting a longstanding demand from social activists. Autism is now covered under the National Trust for the Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy,...
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