The prestigious Rs 2,500-crore Machilipatnam port project is unable to cruise what with the district administration failing to hand over 4,000 acres of land to the developers, Navayuga Engineering Company Ltd (NECL), even six months after the state government gave its nod for the project. The Congress government awarded the project to NECL this April after cancelling the previous agreement with Maytas-led consortium following its involvement in the multi-crore Satyam scandal....
State govt writes to Centre for enhancing NREGS wages
The state government has written to the Centre for enhancing the wages for MG NREGS workers so as to meet the revised minimum wages given in the state. The government's letter follows constant demand by the mazdoor satyagrahis, who have been on a dharna near the Statue Circle for the past 17 days, for ensuring that the NREGA is also governed by the Minimum Wages Act. The letter, addressed to the...
More »Suicide leash on lenders
Public uproar over 20 suicides in two months has forced the Andhra Pradesh government to act to regulate micro-finance institutions. On October 14, the state government brought an ordinance making it compulsory for MFIs to register themselves, declare the effective rate of interest they charge, ensure that no security is sought for loans and no coercion is used for recovery. Non-compliance will be punished with a three-year prison term and a...
More »Bread and games in India by Latha Jishnu
We need spectacle in the capital, not mundane things like schools and hospitals in villages In the final years of the Roman Republic, the Senate kept the masses happy by distributing cheap food and staging big spectacles known as the circus games to get votes. In his satires, the Roman poet Juvenal observed witheringly that governance had been reduced to panem et circenses (bread and circus/games). He was referring to the...
More »NAC plan fails to pass muster with ministry by Liz Mathew
The department of food and public distribution has rejected both proposals of the National Advisory Council (NAC) to provide food security, saying the government risked running up against supply constraints and taking on an unsustainable fiscal burden. The rejection by the ministry of consumer affairs, food and public distribution means that both NAC, headed by Congress party president Sonia Gandhi, and the government will have to go back to the drawing board...
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