-The Times of India Seventy-year-old Kalyanasundaram's face wears a permanent look of defiance. Popularly known as 'Thagaval Thaatha', a veteran of over 300 applications under the Right to Information (RTI) Act, he faces threats from close to home - his neighbours. Kalyanasundaram, who gathered with 50 other people from the city on Link Road in Egmore on Sunday morning in response to Anna Hazare's call for a day-long nationwide hunger fast, says...
In whose welfare?-Gaurav Choudhury
One man’s fiscal problem is another man’s lifeline. Trigger happy bureaucrats and economists may love shooting down subsidies because it bloats the fiscal deficit and burdens the government but the simple fact is that in a one billion strong nation, in which nearly one in every three live below the poverty line, one needs an effective and efficient method through which privileged tax payers can support the poor. Last week, finance...
More »The Rs 28 Diet Plan-Anuradha Raman
Trying—and failing—to live on the govt’s definition of ‘not poor’ Dietetics Of Poverty Three cups of tea, adding up to about 150 calories Two slices of bread (100 calories) Two pieces of kulcha with chhole (about 425 calories) Bread and tea hardly contain any nutrients. Milk may provide some calcium. Near-starvation diets, with hardly any vitamins or minerals, can lead to a breakdown of muscles and weight loss over a...
More »The Food, the Bad and the Ugly-P Sainath
Average per capita net availability of foodgrain declined in every five-year period of the 'reforms' without exception. In the 20 years preceding the reforms — 1972-1991 — it rose every five-year period without exception. The country's total foodgrain production is expected to touch a record 250 million tons this year (2011-12). Union Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar PTI, February 17, 2012 Record foodgrain output of 235.88 million tons in 2010-11. Sharad Pawar, PTI, April 6, 2011 India's foodgrain...
More »Budget 2012: Farce of food subsidy being played out again-Nidhi Nath Srinivas
The UPA-II has used the Budget to again play politics with hunger. But it has paid no heed to the ticking time bomb of growing social tensions as 58 million Indians living off agriculture slide deeper into poverty. The Economic Survey says more than half the population is dependent on a sector whose share in the economy is shrinking. The urban-rural income divide is therefore steadily widening, a tinder box that...
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