-Hindustan Times Eight people have been booked in connection with the incident, which took place in Madhya Pradesh's Damoh, police said. Bhopal: Two Dalit children were allegedly brutally beaten up by members of the Lodhi community for touching a water utensil, in Madhya Pradesh’s Damoh. Eight people have been booked in connection with the case, police said. According to a complaint lodged by the victim’s father, Manohar Ahirwar, “On Friday evening my son...
Medical education in India needs an urgent cure: Student evacuation in Ukraine highlights inadequacies and shortages -Seema Sachdeva
-The Tribune “WHAT AFTER THIS?” That was the only thought on the mind of third-year MBBS student Tanishq Sharma from Delhi as he returned safely from Ukraine after the country was attacked by Russia. Tanishq had scored 95 per cent marks in Class 12, but his rank in the National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET) wasn’t good enough to get him admission in a government college in India. “The fee in most private...
More »UP Elections: Amid Livelihood Crisis, Which Party Will Nishads Trust This Time ? -Abdul Alim Jafri
-newsclick.in The Nishad community says their people are no more awarded with fishing and sand mining contracts, which is posing a major threat to their traditional livelihood. Sonbhadra: On April 3, 2020, when the nationwide lockdown was in place to prevent the spread of coronavirus, Anil Kumar Sahni, 26, had stepped out with his cycle cart to sell vegetables. As he reached the road passing through his hamlet, he was caught by...
More »RTI Data During the Pandemic: Many Departments Show dip in the Number of Applications, but Some Record Steep Rise in Rejections -Venkatesh Nayak
-newsclick.in VENKATESH NAYAK analyses data from the Central Information Commission’s Annual Report for 2021-21 to demonstrate the frequency of rejecting RTI applications under various exemption clauses of the RTI Act used by different central public authorities and Union Territories, comparing the rejections numbers with the same for the previous year. WITH a 2.95 per cent dip in the number of applications under the Right to Information [RTI] Act filed across central public...
More »India Among Top 10 Autocratising Nations, Says Report on Global Democracy
-newsclick.in Among 179 countries, India ranked 93 in the Liberal Democracy Index, and 100 in the Electoral Democracy Index, says V-Dem’s report. New Delhi: India has figured in the top 10 autocratising countries of the world along with El Salvador, Turkey and Hungary, and projections indicate that there will be a further decline in democracy in the country, according to a recent report released by the Sweden-based V-Dem Institute (Varieties of Democracy...
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