-The Business Standard 2011 saw jump in total disputed amount to Rs 4.37 lakh crore The quantity of money locked in Income Tax disputes has seen a sharp rise in 2011, with more aggression by the tax department. The disputed amount jumped from Rs 2,43,603 crore to Rs 4,36,741 crore between January and December 2011. The disclosure was made by the finance ministry in reply to a question in the Lok Sabha...
Rise in natural resources prices appears to be hurting poor nations-UN report
-The United Nations A sustained rise in prices for raw natural resources and basic agricultural goods is defying long-standing patterns and appears to be hurting poor nations through rising food and fuel costs more than it is helping them through higher revenues for their commodities exports. That was one of the findings of the Commodities and Development Report 2012, a study launched at the 13th session of the UN Conference on Trade...
More »Bofors arms deal: 'No evidence Rajiv Gandhi took bribe'
-BBC A former head of Swedish police says there is no evidence that late Indian leader Rajiv Gandhi received a bribe in an arms scandal that contributed to his defeat as PM in elections in 1989. Sten Lindstrom led the probe and has identified himself as the whistle-blower who recently leaked documents. Mr Lindstrom said, however, that Gandhi had "done nothing" to prevent a "massive cover-up" in Sweden and India. Swedish arms firm AB...
More »Indian tax system, black money and tax havens-PR Srinivasan
Drug smugglers and third-world dictators laundering ill-gotten wealth through secretive banking systems in tax havens is an anachronistic image from crime novels. Leveraging US' remarkable success in compelling tax havens to block terrorist financing, the G20/OECD have successfully persuaded tax havens to improve tax transparency and participate in an international regime of information exchange. All tax havens have committed to OECD standards for tax transparency and are executing Tax Information Exchange...
More »ADB urges Asia to tackle rising income gap
-AFP The Asian Development Bank (ADB) Monday urged regional governments to tackle rising income inequality with more urgency, warning any delay could undermine social cohesion and economic growth. Rajat Nag, ADB's managing director-general, said failing to address the problem now could spark further dissatisfaction and lead governments to resort to populist measures to appease their citizens. But populist measures like fuel subsidies and cash grants are taxing on state coffers and could result...
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