-The Hindu Consumers in Tier-I and II cities will have to submit affidavits to their LPG distributors stating that their annual income is below Rs.10 lakh to continue to receive cooking gas subsidy, according to Oil Minister Dharmendra Pradhan.“In the Tier-I and Tier-II cities, when somebody comes to refill gas, they are asked to sign an affidavit regarding their income,” the Minister said. “It is a matter of trust. We have to...
The season of scorching ironies -Yogendra Yadav
-The Hindu It is the Supreme Court and not Parliament that has found time to pay attention to serious issues of drought relief and mitigation for hundreds of millions of Indians Irony. This one word captures our response to the ongoing nationwide drought in more ways than one. We have woken up to the reality of drought a full six months after the end of monsoon. After waking up, we focus on...
More »The indirect benefits transfer -Jayati Ghosh
-The Hindu India’s record in collecting taxes has been pathetic, and it is getting worse. The declining rates of direct taxation are an indication of the political choices of the government We now have a peculiar combination in the economic policy of India: a declared attempt at fiscal consolidation, combined with a reluctance to do what it takes to raise tax revenues. This unfortunate juxtaposition has meant a squeeze on Central government...
More »Thomas Piketty: 'Indian inequality still hidden' -Justin Rowlatt
-BBC French economist Thomas Piketty says there is still a "huge" gap in data about income tax in India. Official figures just released show only 1% of Indians paid tax in 2013, while 2% filed a tax return. Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted that publishing the data was a "big step towards transparency and informed policy-making". But Mr Piketty told the BBC the data was too thin to draw significant conclusions about levels of...
More »Open letter from NREGA workers put Govt. to shame
It seems that not only civil society activists, but even the poor and marginalized themselves are not happy with the Centre’s social welfare policies. Following the recent protest by 150 eminent persons regarding failure of the NDA Government to take-up urgent measures for employment generation and ensuring food, nutrition & drinking water security in the backdrop of severe drought in roughly 1/3rd of Indian districts (please click here to access),...
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