-The Times of India The court of additional sessions judge Vinay Joshi on Tuesday released 48 farmers on a regular bail after they were arrested in connection with the Maval firing case recently. The farmers were released on a personal bond of Rs 7,500 with one surety of the like amount each. The court directed the police to give written intimations to the farmers whenever they were called for interrogation. The farmers were...
Youth in Pune fights corruption using biggest yet silent weapon, RTI-Rajesh Rao
Student of Pune-based MIT School of Government (MITSOG), Harshvardhan Reddy, who hails from Karni village in Mahabubnagar district in Andhra Pradesh, has kept the Right to Information (RTI) flag flying high by filing over 300 RTI applications along with over 200 first appeals within a short span of two years. The first RTI application, Reddy said, was filed by him against the rural superintendent of police (SP) for delaying his passport...
More »How the Koodankulam agitation lost its spark by Gopu Mohan & Shaju Philip
Idinthakarai: The agitation against the Koodankulam nuclear plant has lost its intensity and sense of direction following the withdrawal of an indefinite fast, a move forced on the protesters after the Tamil Nadu government withdrew its tacit support to them. The indefinite fast at Idinthakarai had seen mass participation but on Monday, when a relay hunger strike begins, it will involve only a few dozen people. The protesters are as frustrated...
More »A very crooked line-Prahlad Shekhawat
It is worrying that the Tendulkar method, chosen by the Planning Commission to calculate the poverty line in its latest figures, underestimates the levels of poverty while overestimating poverty reduction. The figures show that 29.8% or 360 million Indians were poor in 2009-10 as compared to 37.2% or 400 million in 2004-05. A poor person has been defined as one who spends R28 per day in urban areas and R22.5...
More »The great Indian poverty debate-Mythili Bhusnurmath
The great poverty debate has been re-ignited, pitting liberal, pro-market economists against left-of-centre economists of the JNU genre. Is the Tendulkar Committee's poverty line - expenditure of 32 a day in urban areas and 26 in rural areas -an affront to the poor, an estimate that could only have been made by a committee whose members had never known a day's poverty themselves? Or is it a realistic estimate of what...
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