Search is on for the 15-year-old girl's father, Umed Singh Domestic help offered Rs. 10,000 to take the blame In yet another case of ‘honour killing' in Rohtak, a 15-year-old girl was allegedly murdered at the behest of her father because he suspected her of having an affair with a neighbourhood boy. An accomplice has been nabbed while Umed Singh, the father of the girl, is on the run. The teenager was reported...
It's a travesty of truth and justice, says CPI
The Communist Party of India (CPI) on Saturday termed the conviction of human rights activist Binayak Sen by a Raipur court a “travesty of justice” and pointed out that genuine activists and even its party workers were being targeted by the Chhattisgarh police. “All genuine activists like Dr. Sen and even CPI cadres are being targeted by the security forces in the State and false cases are being foisted on them....
More »CBI raids Kalmadi homes, Games office
Two months after the Commonwealth Games (CWG) ended amid allegations of major financial wrongdoings, the CBI Friday raided Organising Committee chairman Suresh Kalmadi's homes in New Delhi and Pune and the Games office here. The Central Bureau of Investigation said teams of officers searched Kalmadi's residences and that of an aide also in Pune. 'The raids began early morning today. A total of four locations were raided in Delhi and Pune. We...
More »Enemies of the state by G Vishnu
In the end, Gangula Tadangi succumbed to tuberculosis. The Kondh Adivasi’s life could have been saved if he had made it to the hospital on time. But he was in judicial custody at Koraput district jail in southern Odisha for allegedly “waging war against the Indian State”. During his last moments, Tadangi, 25, is said to have whispered something in Kondh. But nobody could make out anything because no one...
More »Two Reddy's Labs employees die after inhaling gas
Two employees of Dr. Reddy's Labs died after they inhaled nitrogen in the drug manufacturing unit at Bollaram in the early hours of Wednesday, police said. The incident occurred at the ‘clean room' located in one of the production blocks, where the victims were handling the process of micronisation of Omeprazole powder. The victims were identified as production chemist Chiranjeevi Sreedhar Reddy (38) and a contract worker Deepak Jena (22). According...
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