-The Hindu Minister has been resisting Mukesh Ambani on gas prices, Audit S. Jaipal Reddy — the minister who took on Mukesh Ambani in a regulatory battle on gas prices that saved the exchequer thousands of crores of rupees — is set to be divested of the crucial Petroleum and Natural Gas portfolio, The Hindu has learnt. Mr. Reddy, who took over from Murli Deora in January 2011, resisted and then rolled back...
Financial lapses in MNREGS implementation in MP: report
-The Indian Express Various financial irregularities have been found in the implementation of the country's flagship MNREGS in many districts of Madhya Pradesh, according to an Audit report. The report on Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme accounts for 2010-11, submitted to the state government in August, reveals financial discrepancies worth crores of rupees by the district in-charges. "In the Audited account of 2010-11 of district office of Chhindwara, we have noted...
More »Private hospitals perform fake surgeries to claim thousands in insurance cover -Dheeraj Tiwari
-The Economic Times Nazia is 10 years old. But, according to a claim filed by Chhattisgarh-based Shaheed Hospital with the Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna (RSBY), she has delivered a baby after a caesarean operation. Mukul (name changed) is only 7. But Agarwal Hospital, Raipur, has made a claim for removing cataract from his eyes. A large number of similar implausible claims, being made by private hospitals enrolled to treat poor patients under...
More »Police await forensic report on recordings in Jindal’s complaint against Zee TV -Devesh K Pandey
-The Hindu The Delhi Police Crime Branch plans to soon summon those named in the extortion case registered against Zee TV on a complaint by Jindal Steel and Power Limited alleging that Rs.100 crore was demanded in the form of advertisements to dilute the campaign launched by the news channel against the business group in connection with the alleged coal block scam. The Crime Branch has already sent the recordings of at...
More »EC for Probe into Donations by Vedanta to Cong, BJP
-Outlook The Election Commission has come across instances of suspected violations of the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act by Congress and the BJP in their acceptance of donations from subsidiaries of multi-national firm Vedanta group. An investigation by the EC, carried out with the help of the I-T department, has found that both the parties had received about Rs 5 crore each from two subsidiaries of the Vedanta group -- Sterlite Industries and...
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