-The Hindu As the situation in Kudankulam and nearby areas remained incident-free but tense on Tuesday after a day of violent protests, officials said a team of the Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) finished yet another inspection and preparations were almost complete for loading enriched uranium in the first of the two 1,000-MWe reactors of the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KKNPP). As fuel-loading is expected to begin in the next 48 hours,...
SC puts curbs on court reporting -Utkarsh Anand
-The Indian Express The Supreme Court on Tuesday allowed the media to be partially restrained while reporting judicial proceedings by drawing a “Lakshman rekha” for what it called balancing the freedom of expression and a fair trial. But the apex court refused to impose blanket restrictions saying guidelines on reporting cannot be framed across the board. The court laid down the partial line of restraint through the principle of “postponement of publication”,...
More »Don’t compromise open justice
-The Hindu We live in a legal environment where the rule of sub judice is regarded as an anachronism, emanating from a time when all trials were decided by jurors susceptible to influence by what was published in the press. By and large, the law of sub judice, which regulates the dissemination of matter under the consideration of the court, is a dead letter. In such a context, the Supreme Court’s...
More »The era of cheap food may be over-Larry Elliott
-The Guardian A spike in prices caused by poor harvests and rising demand is an apt moment for the west to reassess the wisdom of biofuels The last decade saw the end of cheap oil, the magic growth ingredient for the global economy after the second world war. This summer's increase in maize, wheat and soya bean prices – the third spike in the past five years – suggests the era of...
More »International treaty on domestic workers’ rights to come into force next year–UN
-The United Nations A United Nations treaty which provides a set of international standards to improve the lives of millions of domestic workers worldwide has now been ratified by a second Member State, the Philippines, allowing it to come into force next year, the world body announced today. The Convention on Domestic Workers, which states that workers around the world who care for families and households must have the same basic labour...
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